What it is
Elena Ehrenwald is a fine art photographer who requested a website redesign to showcase her photography. This project was very special for me because it combined my design and education skills in a the fine art world. After I designed Elena's portfolio website I then taught her how to update and adjust content within the site. We met frequently to go over design choices and connect on uniting visions for the display.
The Problem
Elena's previous website was difficult for the user to navigate and had a more more artsy whimsical feel. She wanted her photography to be at the forefront of the site rather than a combination of the photos and poetry. She also wanted to change the feed of the site to something more modern and sleek.
The Solution
Elena's new website has a clear navigation bar at the top of the site. From the gallery view you are able to enter into each portfolio and scroll through images. Photographs are displayed clearly and in large view compared to the small images shown in her previous site.
UX/UI Design
Branding & Identity
Redesigned Website
Color Palete Options
Logo Design
1:1 Lessons
The landing page on the original website does not display what the site is for or mention the artists name. I updated the landing page to clearly display the artists name and showcase some of her photographs. Elena was not sure which photograph to display on the landing page, so I created a slideshow of several images.

The galleries were originally shown by year and images remained small on the screen. I organized the galleries into categories that represented the images. This way the user would be able to find images that they were interested in easily. Portfolio navigation remains at the top of the screen to easy move throughout categories.

The original website displayed Elena's biography, press, and showings each on separate pages. I created a bio page that united all of these pages. This way the user would use fewer clicks to find all the information about the artist.

On the contact page I added a form to directly connect to the artist, rather than having to open up an email page or use a phone to call. I also added social links into the footer for easy connection.