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The only thing I love more than design is pastries.

Okay, it might be a tie.

I have been a contract UX/UI designer for the past four years and would love to help you with your next project. Let’s make something awesome together!


My path to UX/UI is unique which helps me to create user-friendly and beautiful experiences for clients. I gained a tough skin from endless critiques while studying fine art in college. I love getting better at design and finding out exactly what the user and clients need. I find the best way to do that is to grow and learn from feedback.

After college, I taught K-8 art during the day and worked in restaurants as a  bartender and server at night. These experiences enhanced my quick thinking, organization, and patience.

I have worked in a variety of fields as a UX/UI designer including B2B, insurance, relationship, mindfulness/wellness, and television. I am open to creating a user-friendly experience for all different types of companies and enjoy the challenge of teaching users through design.


Let's Work Together!

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